Only on Xbox 360

How to join

If you wish to join, add Killaz iz here, or Remmy iz here or send a message on Xbox Live.

Who are we?

We are a friendly clan of a whole bunch of friends, mostly from school. We are NOT a competitive clan, however we could do some clan battles if anyone really wants to.

Featured Player - Realitiez

Even though this kid is not in the clan, he will be mentioned in the website because he is better than The Knockz (see below for "loser")


Loser - The Knockz


The Knockz is a loser. He thinks he is so cool. Now he turns into Brandon (aznb123) and mutes me. Cry over my 1.50 K/D all you want kid. Go play your Gears of War 3 with nobody else. Keep kicking people that are better than you from your parties. Good day to you loser.

- Killaz iz here

    iz here Survey